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Software Jobs:
Web, Linux, C++, Java, INTERNs
Finance Jobs:
Accounting, INTERNS, Brokers, Invest
Legal, Lawyer Jobs:
INTERNs,Law Firms
Medical, Nurse Jobs:
Doctors, INTERNs, Nurses, ER
Genetic, Science Jobs
Genetics, Research,
INTERNs, Labwork
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Infrared - Wikipedia
Infrared (IR; sometimes called infrared light) is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than that of visible light but shorter than microwaves. The infrared spectral band begins with waves that are just longer than those of red light (the longest waves in the visible spectrum), so IR is invisible to
Infrared radiation | Definition, Wavelengths, & Facts ...
infrared radiation, that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from the long wavelength, or red, end of the visible-light range to the microwave range. Invisible to the eye, it can be detected as a sensation of warmth on the skin.
What Is Infrared? - Live Science
Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of radiant energy that's invisible to human eyes but that we can feel as heat. All objects in the universe emit some level of IR radiation,...
What Is Infrared Radiation (IR(? Wavelength, Frequency, Uses ...
Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes known as infrared light, is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than those of visible light. Hence, it is undetectable by the human eye, although IR of wavelengths up to 1050 nanometers (nm) from specially pulsed lasers can be seen by humans under certain conditions.
Infrared Waves - NASA Science
Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus, infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes.
What is infrared radiation (IR)? | Definition from TechTarget
Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about 700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared waves are longer than visible light waves but shorter than radio waves.
What Is Infrared Radiation? Science-Based Facts & FAQ
Infrared radiation, or infrared light, is a type of radiant energy invisible to the human eye. Keep reading as we explore what infrared radiation is and how it works...
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FIRE101 Jobs:
FIREMEN, EMS, EMT, Emergency
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Rescue, Underwater, INTERNs
POLICE101 Jobs:
Cops, Officers, Security
Police Officers, Deputy, Sheriff
INTERNs, Trainees
Mainframe IT Jobs:
Systems Programmer, Programmers
Tech Support, Helpdesk, Customers
Software Jobs:
Web, Linux, C++, Java, INTERNs
Server Administration, User Support
App Development, Customer Support
Finance Jobs:
Accounting, INTERNS, Brokers, Invest
Finance, Retirement Planner
Financial Advisors
Legal, Lawyer Jobs:
INTERNs, Law Firms
Lawyers, Law Partners, Attorneys
Defense, Medical, Real Estate
Medical, Nurse Jobs:
Doctors, INTERNs, Nurses, ER
LPNs, RNs, Critical Care
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Genetic, Science Jobs
Genetics, Research,
INTERNs, Labwork
Scientific Jobs, Gene Research
Disease Research, Pharmaceutical